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Terrified. DOH Secretary Tayag fears the increasing rate of HIV in the Philippines during his press conference Last August 2018. -Rowiz Briones


-Rowiz Briones

Nowadays, life is so hard. Most Filipinos are having a hard time to have a good life, and not just Filipinos but other nationality too. That's why they enter evey job they can find to earn money for everyday living. But its not just right that we use even our own body just to earn money.

 Life is really hard these days but, it is also important to take care of our dignity and most importantly our health. But it's hard to do especially that children this days has early exposure to sexual activities.

Department of Health are being concerned due to increasing rate of HIV victims. And what's more frustrating is that most of the cases comes from the minors.

According to DOH, the age of HIV victims ranges from only 15 to 25 years old which is lower from last year which is 30 to 34 years old.

They are suspecting that this is because of poverty which leads them to prostitution just to earn for their daily living. They also said that this may be because of early exposure to social media where everything is accessible.

That's why we should not just see what we can earn but we should also what would be its effects to our health. Because what you will earn will be nothing when your health is on the line.


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