Unstoppable. Christian Taylor of Team USA leaps high as he defend his title in Triple Jump against powerhouse China. -Manuel Arthur Machete
US defends decade-long title in Triple Jump,
cements win after comeback in Long Relay
Olympic tracksters Christian Taylor and Will Claye maintained the 10-year supremacy of US in the Men's Triple jump finals after the latter garnered gold, silver during the Rio Summer Olympics at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, likewise, the American relay team consisting of DeeDee Trotter, Allyson Felix, Francena McCorory, Sanya Richards-Ross made an impressive return as they outrunned other runners in the Women's 4x400m relay final during the London Olympics yesterday.
Taylor tracked down an early advantage of 17.89m in his first jump, while Claye nailed a 17.76m distance vs. China's Dong Bin who registered a score of 17.58m, while the four relay runners clocked a winning time of 3:16.87 against Jamaica and Ukraine.
"My trainer always remind me to work my legs out and train more to reach longer extents. I did what he told me to do and that could be the reason why I nailed a 17.89m score in my first attempt", said Taylor.
China's Dong Bin recorded a 17.58m jump but was later abolished by Claye after marking a 17.76m score in their first jump.
Taylor shocked the crowd as he launched with great momentum and scoring 17.86m, putting himself in the lead.
Sustaining dominance, Taylor initiated the second jump from the board reaching a 17.79m distance.
The two Americans extended the one-decade ascendancy of US in the field of athletics specifically triple jump.
Tyler and Claye got illegal calls after stepping on the take off board's green line,
however, Tyler still managed to snatch the gold medal after his game winning score of 17.89m.
On the other hand, Deedee Trotter from the US relay team led the first lap as she outruns France's Phara Anacharsis in the 29.5th second and Britain's Shana Cox in the 34.4th second.
Speeding up, Cox tries to catch up with Trotter in the 48.5th second.
After receiving the baton, American sprinter Allyson Felix keeps the forefront stable to finish off with a win.
After handing out the lead to Francena McCorory as the 3rd lap's onset marking, she continued the onslaught to snatch the gold medal.
Sanya Richards-Ross terminated the final lap clocking a time of 3:16.87, just a 1.70 second difference from the world record by the USSR.