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Fortunate Country

It took a while before the Philippine archipelago earned its protection from any form of health threats – which today is facing the rampant issue of the African Swine Fever (ASF), yet still protected from acquiring a huge possibility of entry in the country.

Even if there is a high percentage of access for the swill infection, knowing the fact that the country is equipped by a quantity of swine task force, is already enough for the piggery industry to maintain its gains.


Firstly, the educated heads of every swine place complete the list of ways to prevent probable damage – knowing the rotary in the field, the pros and cons regarding the matter, per station.

Thus, it serves the functional knowledge to be able to implement proper techniques of taking care of pigs.

These officials undergone seminars that involved stakeholders to strengthen the support that may be used in case such fever become viral.

Perceptively, the reaction of the stakeholders are so much agreeable for performing at hand responses in the issue, like uplifting their sustenance while targeting to attain animal health security, before the said infection gets in.

Because of these conducts, many people will be informed about what’s happening – which may sound unpleasing but it is scientifically identified as a communicable disease for co-meat creatures, excluding humans.

The awareness that will spread the influx of such bacteria, would alter the readiness of the citizens in a way of imposing more sanitary places to put their pigs in, and allot sufficient vitamins from the budget allocated in this grounds.

Through these, the country will be more assured for defense that will enable the swine task force to expand their scopes in advanced avenues

These must prosper in order to stop what is so far to come, and officials should not think that such would overcome the strong capability of the manpower in this nation.




Commendatory Passage



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